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ISO 17025 mass method calibration DN3-DN3000 liquid flow meter

QTLD electromagnetic flow meter has different types, insertion / tri-clamp / wafer / thread / mini / partially-filled, etc. is configured with PTFE and SS316L electrodes, with compact or remote type structurer, electromagnetic flow meter is used to measure drinking water or waste water. liquid flow meter inluding inserted flow and compact electromagnetic flow meter, vortex flow meter, metal tube rotameter, ultrasonic flow meter.

Size: 1/8″-120″
Structure: compact, remote
Liner: PTFE, PFA, Polyurethane, Neoprene, Hard Rubber, Ceramic
Power supply: 85~250 VAC, 20V~36VDC, 3.6V lithium battery
Sensor material: carbon steel (std), SS304 / SS316 (optional)
Measuring tube: SS304

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