Home » Elcromagnetic FIow Meter » High Accuracy Electromagnetic Flow Meter 4-20mA Compact Magnetic Flow Meter

High Accuracy Electromagnetic Flow Meter 4-20mA Compact Magnetic Flow Meter

electromagnetic flow meter can be solar-powered, solar panel iscustomized according to client requirement from 1~15 days. Transmitter of electromagnetic flow meter is installed in the cabinet to protect rain and sun. water flow meter is widely used because less obstruction, cost-effective and accurate measurement. Magnetic flowmeter don’t have any moving parts to wear down, reducing the need for maintenance or replacement.

Repeatability: 0.17%
Electrode: SUS316L, Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C
Structure: compact, remote
Liner: PTFE, PFA, Polyurethane, Neoprene, Hard Rubber, Ceramic
Output Signal: 4~20 mA, Pulse

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