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Electromagnetic Flow Meter

Electromagnetic Flow Meter

Magnetic flowmeter consists of sensors and converters. Electromagnetic (mag) flow meters are volumetric flow meters that do not have any moving parts to wear down, reducing the need for maintenance or replacement, it mainly used to measure conductive liquids which conductivity is higher than 5 μS/cm.
Sensor & Flange: Carbon steel, SS304, SS316
Electrode: SS316L,HC,HB,Tan,Ti,Pt
Accuracy: 0.5% or 0.2% of the reading value +0.3 m/s
Liner: PTFE, Neoprene, Hard Rubber, EPDM, FEP, Polyurethane, PFA
Nominal Pressure: 0.6-1.6Mpa (2.5Mpa/4.0Mpa/6.4Mpa…Max 42Mpa)
Medium Temperature: -10℃~160℃
Output Signal: 4-20mA/Pulse, RS485, HART, GPRS

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