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domestic water sewage RS485 communication water magmeter

sensor of magmeter is carbon steel, SS304 and SS316 is optional, liner material is PTFE, which approved NSF and FDA. It is NSF approved allowing the 1400C to be used on potable (drinking) water applications. This Inline battery-powered magmeter is specially designed for applications where electricity and power supply availability is unavailable. It provides up to 5 years of battery life, minimizing maintenance and enhancing smart measurements¡¯ productivity in field instruments.

Size: 1/8″-120″
Structure: compact, remote
Liner: PTFE, PFA, Polyurethane, Neoprene, Hard Rubber, Ceramic
Power supply: 85~250 VAC, 20V~36VDC, 3.6V lithium battery
Size: DN3-DN3000
Measuring tube: SS304

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