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Digital Electromagnetic Flowmeter Liquid Water Magnetic Flow Water Meter

The magneric flow meter is one of the most flexible and unversally applicable flow measurement
systems available. It is volumtric flow meter which does not have any moving parts and is ideal for
waste water applications or any dirty liquid which is conductive or waste based. Magnetic flow meter
is also ideal for the applications where low meter is also ideal for the applications where low pressure
drop and low maintrnance are reequired.
Size: 1/8″-120″
Accuracy: ±0.5%
Electrode: SUS316L, Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C
Structure: compact, remote
Liner: PTFE, PFA, Polyurethane, Neoprene, Hard Rubber, Ceramic
Output Signal: 4~20 mA, Pulse
Communication: RS485, HART, PROFIBUS
Protection Grade: IP65 std, IP68 optional for remote
Velocity: 0.1~15 m/s
Conductivity: > 5 μS/cm, demineralized water > 20 µS/cm
Power supply: 85~250 VAC, 20V~36VDC, 3.6V lithium battery
Size: DN3-DN3000
Sensor material: carbon steel (std), SS304 / SS316 (optional)
Flange: ANSI, DIN, JIS, etc.

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