Home » Elcromagnetic FIow Meter » CE ATEX DN3-DN3000 GRPS water flow meter

CE ATEX DN3-DN3000 GRPS water flow meter

Protection grade of waste water flow meter is IP65, IP67 is optional, power can be 8~36VDC, 85~265VAC. 4~20 mA, pulse or RS485 are standard configuration. Pressure of QTLD water flow emter can be ANSI 150#, 300#, 600#, 900#, etc. Two measuring points inside the meter with no moving, parts to eliminate pressure drop
Capable of measuring electric conductive liquid and
fluids with low solid contents

Structure: compact, remote
Output Signal: 4~20 mA, Pulse
Communication: RS485, HART, PROFIBUS
Velocity: 0.1~15 m/s
Power supply: 85~250 VAC, 20V~36VDC, 3.6V lithium battery

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